I'm trying to sync animation to music at a specific BPM. I've tried using the Timer but it isn't accurate when dealing with small intervals in milliseconds. I did some reading and found an alternate method that uses a small silent audio file and the SOUND_COMPLETE event as a Timer.
I used 167ms long sound file with this code.
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
public class BetterTimer extends EventDispatcher
private var silentSound:Sound;
public function BetterTimer(silentSoundUrl:String):void {
silentSound = new Sound( new URLRequest(silentSoundUrl) );
silentSound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, start);
public function start():void {
this.timerFired( new Event("start") );
private function timerFired(e:Event):void {
dispatchEvent( new Event("fire") );
var channel:SoundChannel = silentSound.play();
channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, timerFired, false, 0, true);
This still doesn't stay on beat. Is the Flash Player capable of accuracy with sound?
This is very tricky to get right! There's a small lib called BeatTimer that tries to do this. I haven't tried this code myself, but if it does what it claims it should be exactly what you need.