Here's a toy problem:
A (roguelike) 2D map consists of square cells which each have a material (rock or air).
Each cell has four boundaries (N, S, E and W). Each boundary is shared by two cells.
A boundary can optionally contain a "wall feature" only if one side is rock and the other air.
(Wall features could be levers, pictures, buttons, etc.)
What Algebraic Data Type design could have a place to store a wall feature only when one side is rock and the other air? i.e. the data structure cannot represent a wall feature on a boundary between two air cells or two rock cells.
One approach I've tried is XORing a chess-board pattern over the cell values, reversing changes and non-changed.
I keep getting myself in knots over the fact there are multiple equivalent routes between cells - SSW is the same as SWS (the 1D version of this question is trivial).
(I recognise that the ADT representation will not be particularly 'queriable'.)
Update with Failed Attempt:
Call the East boundaries E and the South boundaries S. Let each boundary be either Same
or Diff Feature
. The problem with this approach is that it lets inconsistent routes exist, such as:
E<0,0> Same
S<1,0> Same
S<0,0> Same
E<0,1> Diff
Is there a mathematical name for saying that different routes must aggregate to the same total?
You could say that Same was 1 and Diff was -1 and that product along every route between any two cells must be equal (either 1 or -1).
I have no idea if this is possible at all with traditional ADTs, but you can do it with GADTs. This has a map infinite in one dimension, and finite in the other:
data Nil
type AirEnd = AirCell Nil
type RockEnd = RockCell Nil
data AirCell next
data RockCell next
data WallFeature = Lever | Picture | Buttons | Etc ()
type Wall = Maybe WallFeature
data RogueStrip contents neighbour where
AirEnd_ngbAir :: RogueStrip AirEnd AirEnd
AirEnd_ngbRock :: Wall -> RogueStrip AirEnd RockEnd
RockEnd_ngbAir :: Wall -> RogueStrip RockEnd AirEnd
RockEnd_ngbRock :: RogueStrip RockEnd RockEnd
AirCons_nextAir_ngbAir ::
RogueStrip (AirCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (AirCell (AirCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
AirCons_nextAir_ngbRock :: Wall ->
RogueStrip (AirCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (AirCell (AirCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
AirCons_nextRock_ngbAir :: Wall ->
RogueStrip (RockCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (AirCell (RockCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
AirCons_nextRock_ngbRock :: Wall -> Wall ->
RogueStrip (RockCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (AirCell (RockCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
RockCons_nextAir_ngbAir :: Wall -> Wall ->
RogueStrip (AirCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (RockCell (AirCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
RockCons_nextAir_ngbRock :: Wall ->
RogueStrip (AirCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (RockCell (AirCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
RockCons_nextRock_ngbAir :: Wall ->
RogueStrip (RockCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (RockCell (RockCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
RockCons_nextRock_ngbRock ::
RogueStrip (RockCell next') neighbourNext
-> RogueStrip (RockCell (RockCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
data RogueSList topStrip where
StripCons :: RogueStrip topStrip nextStrip -> RogueSList nextStrip
-> RogueSList topStrip
data RogueMap where
RogueMap :: RogueSList top -> RogueMap