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Separate security directives for each repository in hgweb and Apache

I have several Mercurial repositories published using hgweb and secured with Apache 2.2

Is there any way to have multiple security configurations?

I'd like to have a default configuration for most repositories, and then separate configurations for specific repositories.

The httpd.conf file looks like this

WSGIScriptAlias /hg "C:/hg/hgweb/hgweb.wsgi"

<Directory "/hg/repo_one">
    Order deny,allow
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "R1 Secure Area"
    AuthBasicProvider file 

    AuthUserFile c:/apache2.2/repo_one.pwd
    Require valid-user

<Directory "/hg">
    Order deny,allow
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Secure Area"
    AuthBasicProvider file 

    AuthUserFile c:/apache2.2/passwords
    Require valid-user


  • Here's what I did to get this working.

    I moved the repository that needed separate security into its own directory that was a siblng, not a child, and made a copy of the hgweb.wsgi.

    My directory structure now looks like this


    And my httpd.conf file looks like this

    WSGIScriptAlias /hg "C:/hg/hgweb.wsgi"
    WSGIScriptAlias /pub/hg "C:/hg-pub/hgweb.wsgi"
    <Directory "C:/hg-pub">
        Order deny,allow
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "R1 Secure Area"
        AuthBasicProvider file 
        AuthUserFile c:/apache2.2/repo_one.pwd
        Require valid-user
    <Directory "C:/hg">
        Order deny,allow
        AuthType Basic
        AuthName "Secure Area"
        AuthBasicProvider file 
        AuthUserFile c:/apache2.2/passwords
        Require valid-user

    The important things to note are

    1. The two repository locations are completely separate on disk
    2. The two WSGIScriptAlias paths are completely independent