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removing footer from specific view in ZF2

How can I remove just the footer from a specific view in ZF2. I have tried

 return $view;

but it makes the links in the top nav bar inactive. Thanks


  • You could change your base layout for that particular action.

    for example, your main layout may be like this example:


    <?php echo $this->doctype(); ?>
    <html lang="en">
            <?php echo $this->headTitle($this->translate('TITLE'))->setSeparator(' - ')->setAutoEscape(false) ?>
              <?php echo $this->partial('footer') ?>

    You can simple make a duplicate layout, but without the footer partial included (or how ever you are including the footer partial/view etc)

    you would then tell your action to use a different base layout:


    public function testAction()
         * Now we use the base with no footer
        // identical to below, a shortcut
        return new ViewModel(array(/** etc **/));