I want to detect first loading of NPAPI plugin/extension. Which event should i handle in extension/plugin.
I found the solution.
My requirement is i want inform the NPAPI plugin when browser starts.I am having my extension and NPAPI plugin.
Chrome Solution:
For chrome background_helper.js
loads only once when new instance of chrome gets started. It will not reload on new page or new window.
Firefox solution:
On Firefox window.load
gets called when new windows gets opened so i have added code in window.load
event handler as follows.
var Application = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/fuel/application;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.fuelIApplication);
var myExt= {
onLoad: function() {
var windowsArray = Application.windows;
if(windowsArray.length == 1 && gBrowser.browsers.length == 1)
alert('FireFox started');
window.addEventListener('load', myExt.onLoad, false);
Here gBrowser is golbal object gBrowser.browsers.length wil give tab count.