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Frequency tables with weighted data in R

I need to calculate the frequency of individuals by age and marital status so normally I'd use:

    table(age, marital_status)

However each individual has a different weight after the sampling of the data. How do I incorporate this into my frequency table?


  • You can use function svytable from package survey, or wtd.table from rgrs.

    EDIT : rgrs is now called questionr :

    df <- data.frame(var = c("A", "A", "B", "B"), wt = c(30, 10, 20, 40))
    wtd.table(x = df$var, weights = df$wt)
    #  A  B 
    # 40 60

    That's also possible with dplyr :

    count(x = df, var, wt = wt)
    # # A tibble: 2 x 2
    #        var     n
    #     <fctr> <dbl>
    #   1      A    40
    #   2      B    60