I am new to python and I am implementing a simple serial adquisition in a thread. I can adquire the data using a class by
class CaptureAngles(threading.Thread, port)
def __init__(self):
self.port_name = port
def run():
However, to better integrate with a graphical interface using the traits library I wrote the code as the following, which is no longer working. I am not able to define the attribute of a thread that is started from traits, what am I doing wrong?
This is the error reported
AttributeError: 'CaptureAngles' object has no attribute 'port_name'
And this the full code:
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
from enthought.traits.api import *
from enthought.traits.ui.api import View, Item, ButtonEditor
from Queue import Queue
class TextDisplay(HasTraits):
string = String()
view= View( Item('string',show_label=False, springy=True, style='custom' ))
class CaptureAngles(Thread):
self.port_name = String('COM5')
def connect(self, port_name):
self.port = serial.Serial(
port = port_name,
baudrate = 9600,
self.display.string='Opening Serial Port...' + self.display.string
def run(self):
self.display.string = 'Arduino started\n' + self.display.string
self.port.readline() # Discard first package (can be corrupt)
while not self.wants_abort:
rcv = self.port.readline() # Read the data and split into words
angle = int(rcv)
self.display.string = '%d angle captured\n' % n_img \
+ self.display.string
def close(self):
self.display.string='...Serial Port Closed!' + self.display.string
class Arduino(HasTraits):
start_stop_capture = Button()
display = Instance(TextDisplay)
capture_angles = Instance(CaptureAngles)
capture_angles.port_name = 'COM5'
view = View(Item('start_stop_capture', show_label=False ))
def _start_stop_capture_fired(self):
if self.capture_angles and self.capture_angles.isAlive():
self.capture_angles.wants_abort = True
self.capture_angles = CaptureAngles()
self.capture_angles.wants_abort = False
self.capture_angles.display = self.display
class MainWindow(HasTraits):
display = Instance(TextDisplay, ())
arduino = Instance(Arduino)
def _arduino_default(self):
return Arduino(display=self.display)
view = View('arduino','display', style="custom", resizable=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Ok, I got it: I was adding the attribute port_name before creating the instance.
class Arduino(HasTraits):
start_stop_capture = Button()
display = Instance(TextDisplay)
capture_angles = Instance(CaptureAngles)
capture_angles.port_name = 'COM5' # <-- wrong: the object is not created yet
instead of:
def _start_stop_capture_fired(self):
if self.capture_angles and self.capture_angles.isAlive():
self.capture_angles.wants_abort = True
self.capture_angles = CaptureAngles()
self.capture_angles.port_name = 'COM5' # <-- correct