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Is that make sense to construct a learning Model using only one feature?

in order to improve the accuracy of an adaboost classifier (for image classification), I am using genetic programming to derive new statistical Measures. Every Time when a new feature is generated, i evaluate its fitness by training an adaboost Classifier and by testing its performances. But i want to know if that procedure is correct; I mean the use of a single feature to train a learning model.


  • You can build a model on one feature. I assume, that by "one feature" you mean simply one number in R (otherwise, it would be completely "traditional" usage). However this means, that you are building a classifier in one-dimensional space, and as such - many classifiers will be redundant (as it is really a simple problem). What is more important - checking whether you can correctly classify objects using one particular dimensions does not mean that it is a good/bad feature once you use combination of them. In particular it may be the case that:

    • Many features may "discover" the same phenomena in data, and so - each of them separatly can yield good results, but once combined - they won't be any better then each of them (as they simply capture same information)
    • Features may be useless until used in combination. Some phenomena can be described only in multi-dimensional space, and if you are analyzing only one-dimensional data - you won't ever discover their true value, as a simple example consider four points (0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1) such that (0,0),(1,1) are elements of one class, and rest of another. If you look separatly on each dimension - then the best possible accuracy is 0.5 (as you always have points of two different classes in exactly same points - 0 and 1). Once combined - you can easily separate them, as it is a xor problem.

    To sum up - it is ok to build a classifier in one dimensional space, but:

    • Such problem can be solved without "heavy machinery".
    • Results should not be used as a base of feature selection (or to be more strict - this can be very deceptive).