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How to use belongsTo in ember-model?

I have created FIXTURES using ember-model, but i am not able to use following node on template

    "logged_in": {
        "id" : "1",
        "logged": true,
        "username": "sac1245",
        "account_id": "4214"

I have implemented belongsTo relation for this node but it throwing one error : Uncaught Error: Ember.Adapter must implement findQuery
Here i have listed my model code :

Astcart.Application =  Ember.Model.extend({
    name: Ember.attr(),
    logo_url : Ember.attr(),
    list: Ember.hasMany('Astcart.List', {key: 'list', embedded: true}),
    logged_in: Ember.belongsTo('Astcart.Logged_in', {key: 'logged_in'})

    Astcart.List = Ember.Model.extend({
      name: Ember.attr()

    Astcart.Logged_in = Ember.Model.extend({
      id: Ember.attr(),
      logged: Ember.attr(),
      username: Ember.attr(),
      account_id: Ember.attr()

    Astcart.Application.adapter = Ember.FixtureAdapter.create();

    Astcart.Application.FIXTURES = [
            "id"     : "1",
            "logo_url": "img/logo.jpg",
            "logged_in": {
                "id" : "1",
                "logged": true,
                "username": "sac1245",
                "account_id": "4214"
            "name": "gau",
            "list": [
                            "id"     : "1",
                            "name": "amit"
                            "id"     : "2",                 
                            "name": "amit1"

Template code :

    {{#each item in model}}

Router code :

  Astcart.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
      return Astcart.Application.find();

Can any one show me how to access data of above node in template?


  • Your current fixture have the logged_in data embedded:

            "logged_in": {
                "id": "1",
                "logged": true,
                "username": "sac1245",
                "account_id": "4214"

    So the logged_in property mapping need the parameter embedded: true, to be able to find this data, as follow:

    Astcart.Application =  Ember.Model.extend({
      logged_in: Ember.belongsTo('Astcart.Logged_in', {key: 'logged_in', embedded: true })

    Without this it will try to query for the Astcart.Logged_in:


    and because it doesn't have an adapter, will fail with the exception: Uncaught Error: Ember.Adapter must implement findQuery

    You can see this working in that fiddle