I would like to know how to manage a big Core Data ManagedObjectModel like this, but with more attributes in every entity. Proyectos(means Projects) and Desarrolladores(means Developers) will be a Table View. The other entities will be only items. I want to manage with singleTon for the fetchedResultController and to control the managedObjectContext
Does anyone knows about some examples like this? Big Models or something? All that I find is with only one entity or two.
Another question is that I am going to get all the data from JSON requests, so I want to know if I had to use NSPersistentStoreCordinator or I should use UIManagedDocument? This is other example
Thank you.
I recommend using a sigle shared (Singleton) UIManagedDocument to ensure that you have the same UIManagedObjectContext for all the classes in your App.
Example on how to set this up can be found in thos blog:
You can have several NSFetchedResultsController that will use this shared UIManagedObjectContext (from the shared UIManagedDocument).
This is a sample project I did for the Stanford course CS193p on iPhone programming. It uses Core Data with the sigleton I am proposing.