I have the following PHP example code:
$client = new SoapClient("http://example.com/example.wsdl");
$h = Array();
array_push($h, new SoapHeader("http://example2.com/example2/", "h", "v"));
$s = $client->__soapCall('Op', $data);
My question: what's the SOAPpy equivalent for the SoapHeader() and __setSoapHeaders() part?
Here's an example using suds library (an alternative to SOAPpy). It assumes that the custom header is not defined in the wsdl.
from suds.client import Client
from suds.sax.element import Element
client = Client("http://example.com/example.wsdl")
# <tns:h xmlns:tns="http://example2.com/example2/">v</tns:h>
tns = ("tns", "http://example2.com/example2/")
h = Element('h', ns=tns).setText('v')
s = client.service.Op(data)