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Pass a function (with arguments) as a parameter in PowerShell

I've been successfully passing no-argument functions around in PowerShell using ScriptBlocks. However, I can't get this to work if the function has arguments. Is there a way to do this in PowerShell? (v2 preferably)

Function Add([int] $x, [int] $y)  
  return $x + $y 
Function Apply([scriptblock] $s)    
    write-host ($s.Invoke(1,2)) 


Apply { Add } 

writes 0 to the console. Apply does invoke Add, but doesn't pass any arguments in (i.e. uses the default [int] values of 0 and 0)


  • Ok, I found the answer here:

    I wanted ${function:Add} rather than { Add } in the call to Apply.