I am transitioning between views with the following code:
// Populate view2 here
UIView *theWindow = [_view2 superview];
[_view2 removeFromSuperview];
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDuration:0.25f];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromRight];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction
[[theWindow layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:@"SwitchToSecondView"];
This works however, the transition isn't completely smooth. I'm testing on iPhone4 device v5.1.1. Both views contain a UINavigationView, UIScrollView with around 20 subviews, I've considered populating the view after animation completes, but I would like to avoid this if possible. I would rate the smoothness of the transition 7/10.
How can i make this transition as smooth as possible?
Your scrollview with the 20 subviews is what's causing your problem. Although I'll have to see the code itself to prove that, but this same problem happened with me when I tried to create a scroll view having many subviews, with the end result behaving similarly to UITableView
(remember UITableView
is a subclass of UIScrollView
). note: proving that this is the cause is simple.. simply remove the 20 subviews of the UIScrollView and then run your animation.. if the lag is gone, then this is a sufficient proof.
Notice that UITableView
can potentially have thousands of rows.. but the way it's designed is by reusing cells that no longer appear on the screen (ie recycling views from a pool, rather than making new views each time they are needed). in other words, it cannot afford to keep in memory more rows than what the screen will display, otherwise it will become laggy.
So go back to your scrollview with 20 subviews, and figure out a way to somehow only use subviews that are displaying on the screen, and instead of deallocing and allocing new subviews everytime, reuse them the same way UITableView
Please take a look at this interesting post of how a UITableView
is actually created behind the scenes.. I'm sure it will give you ideas of how to optimize your own scrollview
so as to a avoid the lag.
update: Based on the details of your view hiarchy in the comments.. this is what i would do
that fit into the screen (ie 7 in your case).. in the UIAnimation
completion block handler, I'd add the rest of the viewsDo you see a pattern here? the idea is a focused trial and error: remove the most expensive operations one by one from the transition and place it after the transition is complete. Optionally, you can substitute the UIViews that have been pushed back to the end of the animation with fillers (ie think a placeholder for images, a spinner etc. The choice of these substitutions are really subject to UX principles and what you believe would be aesthetically pleasing to the user)