I have 4 .bat-files in the Windows autostart folder for starting the programs Sabnzbd, CouchPotato, SickBeard and Headphones together with Windows. In these batch files I run the Python .py file through a line like this:
start "SABnzbd" pythonw "C:\SABnzbd\SABnzbd.py"
After all 4 programs have been started and are running I can see them in the WIndows task manager. However I cannot identify the separate processes. They all identify as pythonw.exe *32
with the description pythonw.exe
What I'm trying to do is identifying every program. Do you have any idea how to do that? Could this be done by adding a parameter in the bat file? Or should I do something completely different?
I just solved it myself.
I've been stupid, I found out I can add colums to the processes tab in the Task manager. One of the columns available is Command line
and that column shows exactly what I put in the .bat files including path and the path shows what program the process is.
Because of @Ansgar Wiechers' answer I've been looking to show the command line