I am using assemble.io to automate my frontend development, and want to use YAML front matter to create a simple nav menu.
The HTML I want to achieve is this:
<li><a href="#link1">Link1</a></li>
<li><a href="#link2">Link2</a></li>
I think the correct handlebars markup is this:
{{#each sublinks}}
<li><a href="#{{section}}">{{section}}</li>
But what's the correct YFM? I have started with this but know the syntax isn't correct:
- section: link1, link2
For a template like this:
{{#each sublinks}}
<li><a href="#{{section}}">{{section}}</li>
You'd want a data structure like this:
sublinks = [
{ section: 'link1' },
{ section: 'link2' },
and in YAML, that would look like:
- section: link1
- section: link2
You should also be able to use this YAML:
- link1
- link2
with this template:
{{#each sublinks}}
<li><a href="#{{.}}">{{.}}</li>
Your YAML corresponds to a data structure like this:
sublinks = [
{ section: 'link1, link2' }
and that's not terribly useful unless you want to split the 'link1, link2'
string using a Handlebars helper.