I've been playing with PlayORM recently, and found it quite interesting and useful. Hence, first of all, thanks a lot for providing this.
However, I did have some troubles running a very basic example on OneToMany relationship with potential Cursor support. Briefly, I'm having three simple classes: Email, User and Test as below.
public class Email {
private String id;
//getters and setters
... ...
@NoSqlQueries({ ... })
public class User {
private String id;
private String name;
private int age;
private List<Email> emails = new ArrayList<Email>();
//private CursorToMany<Email> emailCursor = new CursorToManyImpl<Email>();
//getters and setters
... ...
public void addEmail(Email e) {
public class Test {
private static NoSqlEntityManager mgr;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map properties = new HashMap();
properties.put(Bootstrap.AUTO_CREATE_KEY, "create");
String clusterName = ...
String seeds = ...
String keyspace = ...
Bootstrap.createAndAddBestCassandraConfiguration(properties, clusterName, keyspace, seeds);
NoSqlEntityManagerFactory factory = Bootstrap.create(DbTypeEnum.CASSANDRA, properties, null, null);
mgr = factory.createEntityManager();
Email e1 = new Email();
Email e2 = new Email();
User u1 = new User();
... ...
OK, the scenario is simple and clear, and my Cassandra 1.2 environment is set up fine. Now, the problems:
When I use List<Email> emails
, foreign keys for e1 and e2 are stored as columns in the row of u1 - this is exactly the expected behaviour. However, when I find the u1 object, u1.getEmails()
is always an empty list, without e1 and e2 in it, although they are actually there in the db. Why?
When I use CursorToMany<Email> emailCursor
instead, foreign keys for e1 and e2 never go into the row of u1 - this is abnormal, isn't it? Of course, in this case, when I find the u1 object, the Cursor does not have next().
BTW, I'm using PlayORM-1.7-snapshot, any tips and suggestions are very appreciated!
Thanks for the good words about PlayORM.
Few things:
1. How you are getting your u1 object? I mean which method you are using?
2. Using Playorm command line tool, what result you are getting for the query
"select * from User"
select * from User where id = "u1"?
3.There is a test case "testIndependentAddsAreCumulativeForCursor" in TestOneToMany.java. Is that running fine in your environment? If that is running fine, then please share your complete code.