I went to upload my ipa as I normaly do and after upload it via itunes I got this email
The binary being analyzed must be an executable: /tmp/mz_3482061619165087240dir/conbop-1377470196-1.ipa/Payload/device-ios.app/Forge
The file 'device-ios.app/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
The file 'device-ios.app/Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
The file 'device-ios.app/Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
The file 'device-ios.app/Default-Portrait~ipad.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default-Portrait~ipad.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
The file 'device-ios.app/Default@2x~iphone.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default@2x~iphone.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
The file 'device-ios.app/Default~iphone.png' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './device-ios.app/Default~iphone.png: JPEG image data, EXIF standard '
Any help would be appreciated as to why itunes is kicking this back.
I did have to change the images as well as do some other things with permissions. Connorhd explained in this post how to change the permissions for the time being.