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itunestrigger.iosubmission "The binary being analyzed must be an executable" itune issue

I went to upload my ipa as I normaly do and after upload it via itunes I got this email

The binary being analyzed must be an executable: /tmp/mz_3482061619165087240dir/conbop-1377470196-1.ipa/Payload/

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

The file '' is labeled as a PNG file, but is not valid to that format; file command reports: './ JPEG image data, EXIF standard '

Any help would be appreciated as to why itunes is kicking this back.



  • I did have to change the images as well as do some other things with permissions. Connorhd explained in this post how to change the permissions for the time being.

    The binary being analyzed must be an executable