Here I have used multimap and at bottom part printing the content of it.
Generally I work with array only and return and fetch content of array easily.
void main(){
char *ch;
ch=client(); //function call
//Now we can get ch[0]...
char function client()
char ar[2]
return ar;
Can I work in similar manner for multimap? Because I want to return string and int value at same moment. And working with socket programming so it would use send and recv() method to send and receive.
std::multimap<int,std::string>::iterator it = dst.begin();
for(int count = 0;count<3 && it !=dst.end();++it,++count)
In this code I want send it->second
and it->first
What would be correct way?
Yes that will work, but prefer using const ierator. As const suggest (at least in recent compilers and libraries) also thread safe. So prefer :
std::multimap<int,std::string>::const_iterator it = dst.cbegin();
for(int count = 0;count<3 && it !=dst.cend();++it,++count)