I want to spool my output to a particular file. My database in SqlServer. I am entering code in command prompt like this:
First I am connecting to my data base like this:
sqlcmd -S SUPPORT2/SUPPORT2 -U sa -P solutions
SUPPORT2/SUPPORT2 is a my server name.
I choose my database name(vallett), then I am selecting Ename from EmployeeMaster_tbl.
I want to spool this output to a particular word file, how can I do this?
I tried somthing like this..but getting an error
-o is a parameter for the call of sqlcmd a call could look like this
sqlcmd -S SUPPORT2/SUPPORT2 -U sa -P solutions -Q " SELECT Ename from Vallett.dbo.EmployeeMaster_tbl" -o C:\temp\test.txt
Make shure the destination file can be written (C:\txt1.txt might not be possible)
If you want to create the output file interactive you can use :OUT to redirect the output to a file and reset ist to stdout. An example could look like this:
sqlcmd -S SUPPORT2/SUPPORT2 -U sa -P solutions
use Vallett
:OUT C:\temp\test.txt
SELECT Ename from dbo.EmployeeMaster_tbl
:OUT stdout