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Maven BUILD FAILURE when installing Mahout on Ubuntu

I am trying to build mahout in Ubuntu 12.04, but on a virtual machine running on a Windows 7 host machine. Maven does not seem to like this, and I don't really understand how to fix the problem. This is the result of a good long period of build tests:

Results :

Failed tests:

SearchSanityTest.testRemoval:166->Assert.assertEquals:494->Assert.failNotEquals:743-> Previous second neighbor should be first expected:<0.0> but was:<15.74860724515773>

Tests run: 834, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] Reactor Summary:


[INFO] Apache Mahout ..................................... SUCCESS [3.106s]

[INFO] Mahout Build Tools ................................ SUCCESS [2.997s]

[INFO] Mahout Math ....................................... SUCCESS [4:59.221s]

[INFO] Mahout Core ....................................... FAILURE [48:17.299s]

[INFO] Mahout Integration ................................ SKIPPED

[INFO] Mahout Examples ................................... SKIPPED

[INFO] Mahout Release Package ............................ SKIPPED

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Any ideas anyone? Is there anything I can do about this?

I have hadoop installed, I believe I set it up right by configuring SSH and starting/stopping a namenode just to make sure it worked. I have JDK1.7.0_25


well, I just tried to build it using " sudo " and it got a little further but still failed.

Results :

Failed tests: 
  SequenceFilesFromMailArchivesTest.testSequential:106->Assert.assertEquals:144->Assert.assertEquals:115 expected:<TEST/subdir/[mail-messages].gz/> but was:    <TEST/subdir/[subsubdir/mail-messages-2].gz/>

Tests run: 106, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

I feel I must be doing something wrong, since lots of people must install mahout via maven every day. Any ideas? Or still just //comment out the tests that fail?


  • if you just want to build mahout jar files , then you can skipTest. try this command instead:

    sudo mvn -DskipTests install -e

    this work for me :)