How does one implement an NSOutlineViewDataSource
to allow dragging directories that do not exist in the file system at the time of dragging to the Finder? I have searched and searched and read a ton of the documentation, but have had great difficulty finding anything of value that works. I use a custom data source that manages a file system-like tree, and all the items are instances of a class that keeps track of its path. I would like to be able to drag files and directories out of the outline view into the Finder.
I have:
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView
writeItems:(NSArray *)items
toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pasteboard
NSMutableArray *types = [NSMutableArray array];
for (JOItemInfo *itemInfo in items) {
NSString *extension =;
if (extension.length > 0) [types addObject:extension];
[pasteboard declareTypes:@[(__bridge_transfer NSString *)kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise]
[pasteboard setPropertyList:types
forType:(__bridge_transfer NSString *)kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise];
DDLogInfo(@"Wrote types %@ to pasteboard %@ for key %@",
(__bridge_transfer NSString *)kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise);
return YES;
and an implementation of -outlineView:namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:forDraggedItems:
that writes the items inside of the given path. This works in that I can drag items out to the Finder, but when I let go nothing else happens, and the -...namesOfPromisedFilesDropped...
method isn't even called. Also,
[self.outlineView setDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyle:NSTableViewDraggingDestinationFeedbackStyleRegular];
[self.outlineView setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationNone forLocal:YES];
[self.outlineView setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationCopy forLocal:NO];
is in my -awakeFromNib
. The if (extension.length > 0) ...
was based on an example I found somewhere, but it was dated, and the documentation says to return an extension, so I think that is appropriate. Personally, I find the documentation for this whole area very lacking, especially in regard to an NSOutlineView
. Thanks!
I changed (__bridge_transfer NSString *)kPasteboardTypeFileURLPromise
to NSFilesPromisePboardType
, and I can now drag files (with an extension at least) and they can be dropped successfully in the Finder. (I had used the former b/c the documentation for the latter recommended that, but they do not have the same effect.)
Also, I tried removing the conditional and allowing it to add an empty string for an empty extension, which worked like a charm. I can now drag out of the outline view into the Finder.