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How do I fetch text blurbs using open refine 2.6?

I am running a very simple exercise where I have a list of people's names that have been already reconciled via freebase, from within Open Refine.

The Github repository for Open Refine clearly indicates that fetching Properties against a reconciled Freebase Type is still a "To Do" project, but apparently, fetching text blurbs is possible..

Starting from your reconciled column, use "Add column from Freebase" and use the "Add a property" field at the top to add /common/topic/article. - using the new column, select "Add a column by fetching a URL" and construct the URL as follows: ""+value - You'll end up with another new column containing the text of all the blurbs

I don't have an option "Add column from Freebase".

No add column from Freebase

Am I missing something? Thank you very much for your help.


  • That's presumably OpenRefine 2.6 beta since the production release isn't out yet [emphasis added].

    If Add from Freebase is missing, something is wrong (ie it's a bug). Please file a bug report on GitHub with information on what operating system you're using. The documentation that you quoted is also out of date. Please also file a bug report for it with the location you found it.

    Sorry about the problem! We'll have a look as soon as we've got the information from the bug report(s).