I am implementing a SimpleAdapter
like this:
List<Map> data = getDrawerData();
SimpleAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, data,R.layout.drawer_list_item,new String[] {"drawer_icon","drawer_text"},new int[] {R.id.drawer_icon, R.id.drawer_text});
However, 2nd line gives me this error:
The constructor SimpleAdapter(MainActivity, List, int, String[], int[]) is undefined
Two fixes
1. Cast argument 'data' to 'List<? extends Map<String, ?>>'
2. Change type of 'data' to 'List<? extends Map<String, ?>>'
I Chose the Cast
option, but this then only showed the icons for the drawer list items, not their TextView
I followed this tutorial: http://shenhengbin.wordpress.com/2012/03/17/listview-simpleadapter/
I resorted to using a Custom Adapter as per this example. I ran into an error ("Variable must provide either dimension expressions or an array") with this bit in that link:
Weather weather_data[] = new Weather[] // << HERE
new Weather(R.drawable.weather_cloudy, "Cloudy"),
new Weather(R.drawable.weather_showers, "Showers"),
new Weather(R.drawable.weather_snow, "Snow"),
new Weather(R.drawable.weather_storm, "Storm"),
new Weather(R.drawable.weather_sunny, "Sunny")
I changed this to Weather weather_data[] = new Weather[NUM_OF_ITEMS]
to fix it :)
Hope this helps someone.