I'm fiddling around with the creation of an own bootloader (MBR). It's my first step into having a better understanding of operating systems.
My configuration is:
MacBook Air, OsX 10.8.4, Parallels Desktop, Xcode, XCode Command Line tools, Nasm, LD, gcc, ...
I have composed a boot loader:
; FpLoader.s
bits 16 ; 16-bit Real Mode
org 0x7c00 ; Set origin to BIOS boot origin
; Bootloader entry-code
Main: cli ; Enable interrupts
mov ax, cs ; Setup stack segments
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
sti ; Enable interrupts
mov si, Message_1 ; Print string
call PrintLn
mov si, Message_2 ; Print string
call PrintLn
call PrintCrLf
call PrintCrLf
call Reboot
; Read keypress
mov ah, 0 ; BIOS function - Wait for and read keyboard
int 0x16 ; Call BIOS Keyboard Service
ret ; Return from procedure
; PrintLn string
lodsb ; Load [Si] in Al and increment Si
or al, al ; Check if end of string reached (Al == 0)
jz .PrintLnEnd
mov ah, 0x0e ; BIOS function - Print character on screen
int 0x10 ; Call BIOS Screen Service
jmp PrintLn ; Loop
.PrintLnEnd call PrintCrLf
; Print Cr/Lf
PrintCrLf: mov ah, 0x0E ; BIOS function - Print character on screen
mov al, 0x0D ; Character to print: Cr
int 0x10 ; Call BIOS Screen Service
mov al, 0x0A ; Character to print: Lf
int 0x10 ; Call BIOS Screen Service
ret ; Return from procedure
; Reboot the machine
Reboot: mov si, AnyKey ; Print string
call PrintLn
call ReadKeypress
db 0x0ea ; Sends us to the end of the memory causing reboot
dw 0x0000
dw 0xffff
; Data
; Program data
Message_1 db "Hello World...", 0x0
Message_2 db "Painted Black bootloader.", 0x0
AnyKey db "Press any key to reboot...", 0x0
; Filler bytes
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
; Trailer bytes
dw 0xAA55 ;Boot signature
I'm assembling this code with:
nasm -f bin FpLoader.s -o FpLoader.img
sudo dd if=FpLoader.img of=FpLoader.iso bs=2k
When I'm trying to start a Parallels Virtual Machine from FpLoader.iso, it refuses to start, telling me that it cannot boot from the iso (configured as a CD in the Parallels configuration).
Since I'm completely new to the topic, and puzzled on how to proceed with the tools I have available, I would appreciate any help you can give me.
I have found a number of partial solutions for Linux, Bochs, ... but nothing really pointed me in the right direction.
I'm not rigid about the Iso file. If someone can show me a way with an img file, a real bootable USB (within Parallels Virtual Machine), or some other solution (compatible with my configuration) for testing my developments, that would be fine as well.
Thanks in advance and kind regards, PB
To be more extensive on the solution i found (Using only Mac OSx and Parallels Desktop)
The boot loader, although the source (FpLoader.s) could be a bit more elegant (reserve a stack zone, set the sp, ...), is ok. The compilation can be done with:
nasm -f bin FpLoader.s -o FpLoader.bin
This should give you a binary file of 512 bytes.
When using (eventually with sudo)
dd if=FpLoader.bin of=FpLoader.iso bs=2k
an iso file of 512 bytes is created. This iso does not contain a second, nor following 'disk' sectors. I presume that the Parallels Desktop verification checks this and blocks the use of such an iso file.
So, we need an other solution: create an entire empty disk (floppy in this case) onto which we write the content of our binary file (in the first sector).
This can be done as follows:
dd if=/dev/zero of=FpLoader.img bs=1024 count=1440
diskutil eraseVolume MS-DOS FPLOADER `hdiutil attach -nomount FpLoader.img`
dd if=FpLoader.bin of=FpLoader.img bs=1 count=512 conv=notrunc"
The first command fills up an empty floppy image of 1.4 Mb, the second command overwrites the first sector with our boot loader.
Within Parallels Desktop One can create an Ms-Dos alike virtual machine with very little resources:
Memory: 4 Mb
Hard disk: 2 Gb
Devices: Hard disk and Floppy disk (even Cd drive can be removed)
To be on the safe side, one can isolate the virtual machine from Mac (in the security settings). I had printscreens of the following three steps, but due to my still low reputation, I can't publish them. Sorry for that
The FpLoader.img can be connected to the Floppy drive.
And finally, the boot settings can be adjusted not to loose time scanning the Hard disk for boot sectors.
I hope this description gives enough information to get you starting if you want to develop an OS using a Mac and Parallels.
Kind regards, PB