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How does one setup cascading save, update, and delete operations for Multiple Domain Classes that are each composed of a Single Shared Domain Class?

Given the following Domain Classes:

The shared entity (C) can't use belongsTo to set up cascading for both A and B since an instance will only ever belong to one or the other.

What is the best way to model this with Gorm?

class EntityA {
    static hasOne = [enitityC: SharedEntityC]

class EntityB {
    static hasOne = [enitityC: SharedEntityC]

class SharedEntityC {
   String foo
   // Can't use belongsTo to set up cascading

I've looked to the following:

I've tried the Strategy Pattern:

interface Shareable {
    Shared sharedEntity
class EntityA implements Shareable {
    static hasOne = [sharedEntity: Shared]
abstract class Shared {
    static belongsTo = [shareable: Shareable]
class SharedEntityC extends Shared {
   String foo

But this is un-groovy according to some, and Gorm seems to only care about concrete classes.

I've tried interceptors:

class EntityA {
    SharedEntityC enitityC

    def afterDelete {
        this.entityC.delete() // Results in readonly session error

class EntityA {
    SharedEntityC enitityC

    def beforeDelete {
        this.entityC.delete() // Results in fk constraint violation

Another option would be:

class EntityASharedEntityC {
    EntityA entityA
    SharedEntityC entityC
    // a bunch of static methods for managing the relationship
class EntityBSharedEntityC {
    EntityB entityB
    SharedEntityC entityC
    // a bunch of static methods for managing the relationship

// Plus a new class for each entity containing SharedEntityC.

But this seems like a long way around defining a straightforward composite relationship.

Before the answer:

class EntityA {
    SharedEntityC enitityC

    def afterDelete() {

    void deleteSharedEntityC() {
        if(this.sharedEntityC) {
            this.sharedEntityC.beforeDelete() // It has some cleanup to do itself
            SharedEntityC.executeUpdate('delete SharedEntityC where id=:id', 
                          [id:]) // Go around Gorm

Even though I arrived at a solution I can live with, I wonder if these classes can be modeled in a way that wouldn't require me to bend Gorm in this way.

Any suggestions are welcome and appreciated... :-)

After the answer:

class EntityA {
    SharedEntityC entityC

    static mapping = {
        entityC cascade: 'all'

class EntityB {
    SharedEntityC entityC

    static mapping = {
        entityC cascade: 'all'

class SharedEntityC {
   String foo
   // Leave out belongsTo

Much, much better...


  • On the entity classes did you try specifying the cascade:

    static mapping = {
      enitityC cascade: 'all'