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How to make MOD_WSGI app to run Python in 32-bit mode?

I seemingly tried everything and I failed to achieve to run Python in 32-bit mode.

So here is my situation:

I am running OSX 10.8. I developed CherryPy app that has to connect to Oracle 10g2 database. There is a well-known issue that prevent CX_Oracle to work in 64-bit, thus the requirement to run in 32.

<IfModule wsgi_module> 
<Directory "/Library/WebServer/WSGI-Executables">
AllowOverride None
Options None FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
SetEnv CONFIG_PATH /Users/bioffe/src/Icap/trunk/cgi-bin
SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /Applications/ORACLE/instantclient_10_2
SetEnv TNS_ADMIN /Applications/ORACLE/instantclient_10_2
SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /Applications/ORACLE/instantclient_10_2
SetEnv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /Applications/ORACLE/instantclient_10_2

WSGIPythonHome  /usr/local/bin/python2.7-32
WSGIPythonPath /Library/WebServer/WSGI-Executables
WSGIScriptAlias /etc  /Library/WebServer/WSGI-Executables/
#WSGIDaemonProcess etc_config user=bioffe group=wheel threads=4 python_path=/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
ProxyPreserveHost On


App's code

def index(self):
    result = ''
    for key, value in os.environ.items():
        result += key + '=' + value + '\r\n'

    cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type']= 'text/plain'

    result += '*' * 10
    result += '\rCurrent Dir = %s \r' % os.getcwd()
    result += '__file__ = %s \r' % __file__
    result += 'PID=%d \r' %  os.getpid()
    result += 'PPID=%d \r' % os.getppid()
    result += 'UID=%d \r' % os.getuid()
    import threading
    th = threading.current_thread()
    result += "ThreadID=%d name=%s \r" %(th.ident,
    result += "ThreadPool Size=%d \r" %(cherrypy.server.thread_pool)
    result += "ThreadPool Max Size=%d \r" %(cherrypy.server.thread_pool_max)
    import sys
    result += "%s \r" %(sys.version)
    result += "%d \r" %(sys.maxint)


Current Dir = /Library/WebServer/WSGI-Executables 
__file__ = /Library/WebServer/WSGI-Executables/ 
ThreadID=140735313402208 name=MainThread 
ThreadPool Size=10 
ThreadPool Max Size=-1 
2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jun 25 2011, 05:09:01) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] 
9223372036854775807 <- 64 bit, I want to see 32-bit's 2147483647 

Here is what tried so far:

  1. To force Python by setting environment variable


    This one is ignored by WSGI_mod. os.environ contains only one PATH environment variable

  2. To force Python by setting defaults value and make it accessible to _www(70) user.

    defaults write Prefer-32-Bit -bool yes

  3. To create virtualenv and lipo thin i386 executable out of it

    WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/bin/python2.7-32

  4. To create thin executable into default python environment, didn't work.

  5. To compile mod_wsgi link using python2.7-32's headers and *.sos.

Nothing works. I was wondering of someone could shed some light on this issue.

BONUS Q: I added

WSGIDaemonProcess etc_config user=bioffe group=wheel threads=4 python_path=/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/

I see extra https process that is run with UID bioffe, however my app still being processed by httpd process with UID _www. How come my request is being processed by different httpd process ?


  • Have you read:

    Also be aware SetEnv doesn't set environment variables. For mod_wsgi it sets per request environ variables which are passed in a dictionary to the WSGI application on each request. Thus, you cannot SetEnv to set process environment variables.

    As to WSGIDaemonProcess, you likely are missing the required WSGIProcessGroup that needs to go with it.

    Please ensure you are reading the mod_wsgi documentation on the official mod_wsgi site as such details are covered there.

    You possibly have some other things wrong, but too hard to tell as no detail provided which would help to confirm that.