Here's the problem: I have a database full of articles marked up in XHTML. Our application uses Prince XML to generate PDFs. An artifact of that is that footnotes are marked up inline, using the following pattern:
<p>Some paragraph text<span class="fnt">This is the text of a footnote</span>.</p>
Prince replaces every span.fnt
with a numeric footnote marker, and renders the enclosed text as a footnote at the bottom of the page.
We want to render the same content in ebook formats, and XHTML is a great starting point, but the inline footnotes are terrible. What I want to do is convert the footnotes to endnotes in my ebook build script.
This is what I'm thinking:
to store the endnote text.$endnote_no
to zero. This variable will hold the current endnote number, to display inline as an endnote marker, and to be used in linking the endnote marker to the particular endnote.preg_replace
or preg_replace_callback
to find every instance of <span class="fnt">(.*?)</span>
for each instance, and replace the inline span
with '<sup><a href="#endnote_
' . $endnote_no . '">' .$endnote_no . ''`$endnotes
array so that I can use it at the end of the document.$endnotes
array to spit out the endnotes as an ordered list in XHTML.This process is a bit beyond my PHP comprehension, and I get lost when I try to translate this into code. Here's what I have so far, which I mainly cobbled together based on code examples I found in the PHP documentation:
$endnotes = array();
$endnote_no = 0;
class Endnoter {
public function replace($subject) {
$this->endnote_no = 0;
return preg_replace_callback('`<span class="fnt">(.*?)</span>`', array($this, '_callback'), $subject);
public function _callback($matches) {
array_push($endnotes, $1);
return '<sup><a href="#endnote_' . $this->endnote_no++ . '">' . $this->endnote_no . '</a></sup>';
$replacer = new Endnoter();
echo '<pre>';
print_r($endnotes); // Just checking to see if the $endnotes are there.
echo '</pre>';
Any guidance would be helpful, especially if there is a simpler way to get there.
Don't know about a simpler way, but you were halfway there. This seems to work.
I just cleaned it up a bit, moved the variables inside your class and added an output method to get the footnote list.
class Endnoter
private $number_of_notes = 0;
private $footnote_texts = array();
public function replace($input) {
return preg_replace_callback('#<span class="fnt">(.*)</span>#i', array($this, 'replace_callback'), $input);
protected function replace_callback($matches) {
// the text sits in the matches array
// see
$this->footnote_texts[] = $matches[1];
return '<sup><a href="#endnote_'.(++$this->number_of_notes).'">'.$this->number_of_notes.'</a></sup>';
public function getEndnotes() {
$out = array();
$out[] = '<ol>';
foreach($this->footnote_texts as $text) {
$out[] = '<li>'.$text.'</li>';
$out[] = '</ol>';
return implode("\n", $out);