I'm trying to scale this speech bubble into existence. I'm not really sure how to do it because the default d3 scale is changing the area where it starts drawing.
var svgHeight = 1000
var svgWidth = 1000
var floatycircleRadius = 30
var textColor = "#FFFFFF"
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", svgHeight)
.attr("height", svgWidth)
var floatycontainer = svg.append("g");
var floatygroup = floatycontainer.append("g")
var floatypath = floatygroup.append("path")
.attr("d", "m125.512,0h-66C26.645,0,0,26.482,0,59.35c0,28.574,20.142,52.312,47,58.029V145l26.283-26.283, l52.229,0.064c32.868,0,59.512-26.563,59.512-59.431S158.38,0,125.512,0z")
.style("fill", "#90C4E4")
floatygroup.attr("transform", "translate(500, 500)")
floatycontainer.attr("transform", "scale(1)");
floatycontainer.transition().duration(2000).attr("transform", "0")
Use transition.attrTween(name, tween)
on the <g>
or <path>
.attrTween("transform", function(d, i, a) {
return d3.interpolateString(a, 'scale(1)');