How can I show from code SpreadsheetGear dialogs like Find/Replace?
There is WorkbookDesigner form which has most of those dialogs in main menu, but how can I implement it myself?
The "Find and Replace" dialog is not part of SpreadsheetGear's public API and so cannot be instantiated from code. Developers using Windows Forms have been able to "hack" this since a keyboard shortcut does exist to launch this dialog from the WinForms WorkbookView. This has been done by sending a Ctrl+F keystroke to the WorkbookView, using something like the following:
WPF doesn't support this model since it is part of Windows Forms. However, it appears that using System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys.SendWait("^f")
might work instead, but I make no guarantees of this.
Generally speaking, if a particular "dialog", such as the Find and Replace dialog, is not listed in the SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms namespace, then it is not available to instantiate from code.