I've been trying to clean up some of my code, and wanted to refactor a 'sidebar' partial into a View/Template combo, since there are navigation elements that need to be controlled by the child views that get rendered in the outlet.
It currently looks like this
Map (Route/View/Template)
Sidebar (partial) - has {{outlet}}
Other routes render in Sidebar {{outlet}}
Now I want to make the Sidebar have a View, not just be a template, since I want to control some UI changes based on what's rendered within there.
Here is a jsbin with an example that doesn't work. I also tried {{render 'sidebar'}}
but that didn't work either. Using RC.8 by the way.
Another attempt here.
The sidebar template should be rendered in the application template (not the index one) otherwise when you enter the /test route it doesn't show up.
Then in renderTemplate of App.TestRoute you can render the templates in the 2 outlets (sidebar and main).
App.TestRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
renderTemplate: function () {
into: 'sidebar',
outlet: 'sidebar'
See this jsbin example.
I hope it helps.