I am trying to add a new item to my Equipment table located in my SQL database. I am using 3 tier architecture. This particular add method uses two comboboxes with their display members set and their valuemembers set to the ID of their respective fields.
I am getting the error : "Input string was not in the correct format" when i press the add new equipment button (after all items have been entered into the textboxes and the values from the comboboxes have been selected. and i am not sure where it is comming from, my idea is that it is coming from the comboboxes.
my Equipment table contains 6 rows.
1.EquipmentNo int autonumber 2.EquipmentDesc nvarchar 3.SerialNo nvarchar 4.Barcode nvarchar 5.CategoryID nvarchar (fk of my Category table) 5.VenueID int (fk of my Venue table)
my Venue table has a VenueID (autonumber) and a RoomNumber(string) my Category table has a CategoryID (Hard for Hardware and Soft for Software) and Desription(Hardware and Software)
My business layer contains the following code:
public int AddEquipment(Equipment eq)
if (dbConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
string sqlInsert = "sp_AddNewEquipment '" + eq.EquipmentDescription + "' , '" + eq.SerialNo + "' , '" + eq.Barcode + "' , '" + eq.CategoryID + "' , '" + eq.VenueID + "'";
dbCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlInsert, dbConn);
int x = dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return x;
my stored procedure is as follows:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddnewEquipment]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@EquipmentNo bigint,
@EquipmentDescription nvarchar(50),
@SerialNo nvarchar(50),
@Barcode bigint,
@CategoryID nvarchar(50),
@VenueID int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
INSERT INTO Equipment(EquipmentNo, EquipmentDescription, Barcode, SerialNo, CategoryID, VenueID)
VALUES(@EquipmentNo, @EquipmentDescription, @Barcode, @SerialNo, @CategoryID, @VenueID)
And here is my code for my form present in the btnAdd_Click method:
Equipment eq = new Equipment(txtDescription.Text, txtSerialNo.Text, txtBarcode.Text, cmbCategory.ValueMember.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(cmbVenues.ValueMember));
my comboboxes are filled in the page load method:
//loading of category combobox
cmbCategory.DataSource = c.GetAllCategories();
cmbCategory.DisplayMember = "Description";
cmbCategory.ValueMember = "Category ID";
//Loading of venue combobox
cmbVenues.DataSource = v.GetAllVenues();
cmbVenues.DisplayMember = "Room Number";
cmbVenues.ValueMember = "VenueID";
i want to return the ID's of the two comboboxes not the displayed text.
Thank You for you help
Ok i found my error.
cmbCategory.SelectedValue not cmbCategory.ValueMember.