I'm developing an application with mule studio, I need to use the "Choice" component, but I'd like to evaluate not a message property contained in the payload, but a variable contained in a property file, like that:
<choice doc:name="Choice">
<when expression="${CONTROL_VARIABLE}.equals("S")">
<set-variable variableName="URL_ADDRESS" value="${URL_PREPATH_VALUE}/[#payload.URL]" doc:name="Variable"/>
<set-variable variableName="URL_ADDRESS" value="[#payload.URL]" doc:name="Variable"/>
Of course it doesn't work, because if I understand properly, only message payload can be evaluated.
How can I accomplish the task in the best way? Have I to add all the property file variables in the payload in some way?
Thank you!
The conditional expression in the CHOICE is going to work absolutely fine with data loaded from properties files.
try the following piece and it should work.
<when expression="'${CONTROL_VARIABLE}' == 'S'">
Hope this helps.