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Implementing CastleWindsor with Model View Presenter (MVP)

I would like to implement CastleWindsor with the MVP pattern, but I keep getting an 'Object Reference Not Set to an Object reference on the Presenter when the repository is called to obtain some data.

This is how I did it and I am wondering if there is anything wrong, so please let me know if you can:


public class CategoryPresenter
    ICategoryRepository categoryRepository;
    ICategoryView categoryView;

    public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _categoryView, ICategoryRepository _categoryRepository)
        categoryView = _categoryView;
        categoryRepository = _categoryRepository;

    //public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _categoryView) : this (_categoryView, new CategoryRepository())
    //{ }

    public CategoryPresenter(ICategoryView _view)
        categoryView = _view;

    public IEnumerable<object> GetActiveCategories()
      return  categoryRepository.GetActiveCategories();

IoC Class:

public  static class IoC
    public static IWindsorContainer windsorContainter { get; set; }

IoCConfig Class:

class IoCConfig {

    public static IWindsorContainer RegisterCastleWindsorContainer()
        IWindsorContainer windsorContainer = new WindsorContainer()
        .Install(new RepositoryInstaller())

        IoC.windsorContainter = windsorContainer;

        return windsorContainer;


Installer Class:

public class RepositoryInstaller: IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)


Finally in Global.ascx file I am doing this at App_Start:

    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Code that runs on application startup

With this, the error message is as said above; the error happens at the presenter's method: GetActiveCategories();

As you see at no where in code I invoke the resolve method on the container.

Please let me know if if you have any suggestions.

Thank you.


  • I have resolved this to the IoC Class

        public static T Resolve<T>()
                return windsorContainer.Resolve<T>();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

    And then add this to the presenter:

       ICategoryRepository categoryRepository = IoC.Resolve<ICategoryRepository>();
       ICategoryView categoryView = IoC.Resolve<ICategoryView>();