I am new in GitHub for Windows. I learn how to commit a single change. But i don't understand how can i commit only a part of file. On GitHub for Mac you can just select the line.
How can i do it on GitHub for Windows?
Update: January 2015, 14th: Partial commits in GitHub for Windows:
The newest release of GitHub for Windows supports selecting lines or blocks of changes when creating a commit. Simply click the desired lines in the gutter, create the commit, and leave the other changes for you to continue working on.
The GitHub post adds what I mentioned in my original answer below:
For people familiar with the command line, this change is similar to interactive staging using
git add -i
orgit add -p
(Original answer: Aug. 2013)
From GitHub for Windows, you can open the console, and type:
git add -p -- path/to/your/File
You will then be able to stage exactly what you want from that file.
Interactively choose hunks of patch between the index and the work tree and add them to the index.
This gives the user a chance to review the difference before adding modified contents to the index.