I'm wondering if someone can address some of the issues I am having? I create a rails app:
rails myapp -d mysql
cd myapp
haml --rails .
rake db:create:all
Then I want to use a mysql client to create tables. Lets say users and customers. A customer is also a user so you have schema like this:
id int, not null, primary key, auto increment
first_name varchar(50) not null
last_name varchar(50) not null
email varchar(50) not null unique
password varchar(50) not null
created_at datetime not null
updated_at datetime not null
id int, not null, primary key, auto increment
user_id int, unique
-- some other stuff that is customer specific
what rails script commands do I need to run to get model, views and controllers created and completely filled out under my rails app? I tried this:
ruby script/generate scaffold user
ruby script/generate scaffold customer
which creates the files but the models are empty:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
whats the deal? Also, I want to create an administration section to manage stuff. I figured out that I need to add routes for those:
map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :users
admin.resources :customers
what else do I need to get the administration section going? Also here are the versions of ruby/gems I am running:
ruby 1.8.6
rails 2.3.5 & 2.3.2 <- I'm using 2.3.2 because haml
wasn't working (or some other plugin) with 2.3.5
haml 2.2.15
rspec 1.2.9 <- I saw from another thread that I might need
this when creating an adminstration section (rspec_controller etc)
Models are supposed to be empty by default because database schema is saved into the schema.rb
file and managed using migrations.
From your answer I understand you are looking for a prepackage solution to write a couple of configurations and get everything, from controller to administration cooked for you. I'm sorry, Rails doesn't offer you this feature. If you want an administration section you actually have to code it.
It includes:
The scaffold only provides you a starting point but this is a starting point you should adapt and extend to your needs.
If you want the scaffold to auto-generate your initial views according to your database table, you can pass the arguments to the command line tool
ruby script/generate scaffold user name:string age:integer
But if you want to add a new field later, you'll have to write a new migration and edit your views/actions accordingly.
More information are available in the Rails Guides and Wiki.