I have a QStringList property, and I basically want to turn that into a group of radio buttons dynamically, so that when the QStringList property changes the number of buttons and their labels is automatically updated.
I can sort of do it with a ListView, but it has problems:
Here's my attempt anyway. I'd ideally like to do it without a ListView though:
ListView {
id: myList
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
ExclusiveGroup {
id: myListExclusiveGroup
Component {
id: myDelegate
RadioButton {
text: modelData
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked)
myList.currentIndex = index
exclusiveGroup: myListExclusiveGroup
model: myListOfStrings
delegate: myDelegate
focus: true
Thanks to koopajah, I changed it to use Repeater
and it works now. Note that it seems Repeater
adds everything to the end of its parent's children, which means you can't rely on its position in a layout - you have to put it inside another layout, for example like this:
ExclusiveGroup {
id: myListExclusiveGroup
RowLayout {
Repeater {
id: myList
RadioButton {
text: modelData
exclusiveGroup: myListExclusiveGroup
model: myListOfStrings
focus: true