I'm using grails 2.2.2 and I have created a domain class with one unique String attribute:
class Myclass {
String dscr // my String attibute
static constraints = {
dscr unique: true // the code to set it unique
and then I run the grails console command to test this simple class with the following code with loggingSql = true to see the resulting queries:
def a = new Myclass([dscr:'dscr1'])
The resulting queries are sone below:
Hibernate: select this_.id as id0_0_, this_.version as version0_0_, this_.dscr as dscr0_0_ from myclass this_ where this_.dscr=?
Hibernate: select this_.id as id0_0_, this_.version as version0_0_, this_.dscr as dscr0_0_ from myclass this_ where this_.dscr=?
Hibernate: insert into myclass (version, dscr) values (?, ?)
The mystery here is the two select queries instead of one. The reason for the one query, as I found here, is that the select query is made to to check uniqueness. Why does the second select happen?
After all, I couldn’t find a logical explanation for the two select queries. The best I found is to get rid of these two selects without a manual change of the database, as said here.
So to get rid of these selects, someone should first set the domain class in a different way (without constraints, but with mapping).
class Myclass {
String dscr
static mapping = {
dscr unique: true
And then to protect your code from exceptions, because now hibernate doesn’t check for uniqueness, you should insert new elements like this:
try {
def a = new Myclass([dscr:'dscr1'])
} catch(e) {
Myclass.withSession { session ->
// do whatever you want to handle a possible exception
And now the resulting query is only one import query, which may run successfully or not.
Hibernate: insert into myclass (version, dscr) values (?, ?)