I'm looking for a way to create a form for a has_many association so I could be able to set dynamically the amount of objects that would go there.
So far I saw examples when you initialize the association with blank objects, like this:
2.times { @office.employees.build }
So, after you could use fields_for, or whatever, and it works. In situation like mine I don't know exactly how many employees would be added (could be even zero).
Do they have any simple solution on how to end up with a form that will dynamically create a hash like:
{..., "employees" => {"0" => {...}, "1" => {...}}
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at Ryan Bates Railscasts about your topic:
You will find the perfect solution in these tutorials.
Ryan explains how you could add a link to dynamically add and remove your needed form fields.