I'm strugling with error message "Incorrect values within SQLDA structure" when I'm trying to update blob field within Firebird 2.1 database from Delphi 2009 DBX application.
However I get the error message when I'm trying to execute TSQLQuery with following SQL: "update MYTABLE set FIELD1= :data where id = :id"
The relevant delphi code is:
MyQuery.ParamByName('id').AsInteger := id;
MyQuery.ParamByName('data').LoadFromFile(filename, ftBlob);
Where should I be looking? This has been working in earlier Delphi versions.
Double check your driver - it is for Firebird or you just use the Interbase driver for this?. It is known that the Firebird team changed the SQLDA structure for Blobs in 2.1 and, hence, the Interbase driver cannot be used anymore.
You have some options here: