I need to append my custom string into NSPredicate
So I wrote following codes.
self.query = [[NSMetadataQuery alloc] init];
[self.query setSearchScopes: [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSMetadataQueryUbiquitousDocumentsScope]];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K like '%@*'",NSMetadataItemFSNameKey,whereAreYou];
[self.query setPredicate:pred];
However when I test it , it only return following value.
kMDItemFSName LIKE "%@*"
the placeholder %@
is not append correctly. It only showing %@
How can I do that?
Format arguments inside quotation marks are not expanded by predicateWithFormat
therefore @"%K like '%@*'"
does not work.
This should work:
NSString *pattern = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@*", whereAreYou];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K LIKE %@", NSMetadataItemFSNameKey, pattern];