I just created Column family by phpcassa , Following is the code
$sys = new SystemManager('');
$sys->create_column_family('demo', 'Users');
$pool = new ConnectionPool('demo', array('localhost'));
$users = new ColumnFamily($pool, 'Users');
$users->insert('user0', array("name" => "joe", "state" => "TX"));
$users->insert('user1', array("name" => "bob", "state" => "CA"));
when I use cqlsh and go to demo keyspace I am not able to select any record from it, it straightly tell me
cqlsh:demo> select * from Users;
Bad Request: unconfigured columnfamily users
cqlsh:demo> select * from users;
Bad Request: unconfigured columnfamily users
Also reverse case, when I am making any table in cqlsh using CREATE TABLE syntax phpcassa not able to find it and throw NOTFOUND exeception.
You'll need to use doublequotes to force case sensitivity from cqlsh:
select * from "Users";
Better: just leave it lowercase.