I am trying to pull area of a page with AJAX.
In JS I have on click I pass href to PHP; in PHP(located in tools):
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$path = ($_POST['path']);
$page = Page::getByPath($path);
$a = new Area('Main');
$ret = $a->display($page);
echo json_encode($ret);
If I make:
echo json_encode($page);
I receive the page so everything working, But when I try to receive an Area I get this error: concrete\elements\block_area_header_view.php on line 5
In this File I found this
$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$areaStyle = $c->getAreaCustomStyleRule($a);
So as I understand $c is null that why I have this error how can I fix this??
This line of code:
$ret = $a->display($page);
...does not do what you think it does. The "display" function does not return the content -- instead it outputs it to the browser. So your json_encode($ret) is just encoding and echo'ing an empty variable.
To capture the displayed content and put it into a variable, you can use php's output buffering feature, like so:
$ret = ob_end_clean();