I need to instantiate a bean ( EmployeeSaver) with in a method with parameter coming in dynamically. I can't use constructor setter for these values are not populated at config time.
Sample code:
class MyEmployeeBean{
public void saveEmployeeDetail (Employee employee , EmployeeHistory hist ){
EmployeeDetail detail = hist.getDetail();
EmployeeSaver eSave = new EmployeeSaver(employee, detail)
class EmployeeSaver {
private Employee empl;
private EmployeeDetail detail;
public EmployeeSaver(Employee emp, EmployeeDetail det){
empl = emp;
detail = det;
public void saveEmployee(){
// code to same the guy...
As MyEmployeeSaver class don't have default constructor so it's throwing runtime exception. I am unsable to use following config as employeeDetail is not know until I do hist.getDetail() !
<bean id="mySaverBean" class="come.saver.EmployeeSaver">
<constructor-arg name="empl" ref="employee" />
<constructor-arg name="hist" ref = "employeeHistory" />
How to instantiate employeeSaverBean with constructor arguments?
You can't do this directly with Spring configuration, but using ApplicationContext.getBean(String beanName,Object...args)
like described in this question.
must implements ApplicationContextAware
to access Spring's context
class MyEmployeeBean implements ApplicationContextAware {
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public void saveEmployeeDetail (Employee employee , EmployeeHistory hist ){
EmployeeDetail detail = hist.getDetail();
EmployeeSaver eSave = (EmployeeSaver)this.applicationContextnew.getBean("mySaverBean", employee, detail);
and in beans.xml
<bean id="mySaverBean" class="come.saver.EmployeeSaver" scope="prototype" />
Remeber to addo scope="prototype"
to let Spring create a new instance at every request.