Search code examples

At some point in your career with SQL Server does parameter sniffing just jump out and attack?

Today again, I have a MAJOR issue with what appears to be parameter sniffing in SQL Server 2005.

I have a query comparing some results with known good results. I added a column to the results and the known good results, so that each month, I can load a new months results in both sides and compare only the current month. The new column is first in the clustered index, so new months will add to the end.

I add a criteria to my WHERE clause - this is code-generated, so it's a literal constant:

WHERE DATA_DT_ID = 20081231 -- Which is redundant because all DATA_DT_ID are 20081231 right now.

Performance goes to pot. From 7 seconds to compare about 1.5m rows to 2 hours and nothing completing. Running the generated SQL right in SSMS - no SPs.

I've been using SQL Server for going on 12 years now and I have never had so many problems with parameter sniffing as I have had on this production server since October (build build 9.00.3068.00). And in every case, it's not because it was run the first time with a different parameter or the table changed. This is a new table and it's only run with this parameter or no WHERE clause at all.

And, no, I don't have DBA access, and they haven't given me enough rights to see the execution plans.

It's to the point where I'm not sure I'm going to be able to handle this system off to SQL Server users with only a couple years experience.

UPDATE Turns out that although statistics claim to be up to date, running UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN clears up the problem.

FINAL UPDATE Even with recreating the SP, using WITH RECOMPILE and UPDATE STATISTICS, it turned out the query had to be rewritten in a different way to use a NOT IN instead of a LEFT JOIN with NULL check.


  • Not quite an answer, but I'll share my experience.

    Parameter sniffing took a few years of SQL Server to come and bite me, when I went back to Developer DBA after moving away to mostly prod DBA work. I understood more about the engine, how SQL works, what was best left to the client etc and I was a better SQL coder.

    For example, dynamic SQL or CURSORs or just plain bad SQL code probably won't ever suffer parameter sniffing. But better set programming or how to avoid dynamic SQL or more elegant SQL more likely will.

    I noticed it for complex search code (plenty of conditionals) and complex reports where parameter defaults affected the plan. When I see how less experienced developers would write this code, then it won't suffer parameter sniffing.

    In any event, I prefer parameter masking to WITH RECOMPILE. Updating stats or indexes forces a recompile anyway. But why recompile all the time? I've answered elsewhere to one of your questions with a link that mentions parameters are sniffed during compilation, so I don't have faith in it either.

    Parameter masking is an overhead, yes, but it allows the optimiser to evaluate the query case by case, rather than blanket recompiling. Especially with statement level recompilation of SQL Server 2005

    OPTIMISE FOR UNKNOWN in SQL Server 2008 also appears to do exactly the same thing as masking. My SQL Server MVP colleague and I spent some time investigating and came to this conclusion.