I was reading through an IAR description of using CoreSight Trace Techniques, and came across an example for generating "Statistics of Code Coverage".
They reference "step point" several times. A site-search for "step point" within the IAR site generates only the above link.
We can easily define instructions and lines of code, so what is exactly is a step-point, or better yet, a step-point level as referenced in the link above?
Step points appear to be how IAR describes executable statements. For example, looking here and searching for step point shows how to walk through code one statement at a time.
Step point levels are likely branches taken or not taken.
A quick code example:
//next two step points are at the same step point level. There's no branch,
//they will both always execute
unsigned char qwerty=5;
if(timer == 0x15)
Foo(5); // another step point, a different step point level than above
// the next two step points are at the same step point level, as depending on
// the branch will either hit both or neither.
unsigned char temp=5;