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Why does my Perl backticks complain "sh: line 1: any: command not found"?

I've never programmed before, but needed to write a very simple webapp for work.

I'm trying to get this dig query to work:

dig @ +nocomments +nostats +noquestion +nocmd any

With this bit of perl:

$dig = `/usr/bin/dig \@ +nocomments +nostats +noquestion +nocmd $query any`;

Except it doesn't seem to recognize "any" at the end of dig and gives me:

sh: line 1: any: command not found

What stupidly simple thing am I doing incorrectly?


  • I bet $query has a newline in it, causing your shell to see any as a new command.

    Try doing chomp $query; before your system call to remove the newline. More on chomp.