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Which design pattern to use for multiple Interfaces with different behaviour

I have a one Command Interface like this,

public interface ICommand{
     public abstract Object execute(List<Inputs> inputs);

Now I have A command for other type of complex Executions so I came up with the new Command Interface

public interface IComplexCommand {
  public abstract Object execute(ComplexObjects obj);

I invoke the commands from the properties file which is done inside a static initializer block of CommandFactory. My Factory method to Invoke looks like this.

ICommand cmd= CommandFactory.getInstance().getCommand("LoopElements");
// loopElements is the key in properties file to load my
// to call execute of IComplex command it will not work because I have to typecase
// this I want to avoid.

Now I have a issue like when I get the Command I do not want to typecase the Command depending on Interface but I would like to have it understood at runtime,

Can anyone please help me in better designing this. I tried to google but I was not able to get any proper answer because the question is very specific.


  • I would suggest not to go for any Command factories. Command pattern actually lets you parameterize your request object. So you can create different type of command object for your easy and complex command scenario, and then you can execute them based on your command type you retrive from property file. This is what i would do following command pattern, see if it helps:

    public interface IOperations
        void PerformOperations();
    public class EasyOperations : IOperations
       public void PerformOperations()
            Console.WriteLine("Do easy operations here");
    public class ComplexOperations : IOperations
        public void PerformOperations()
            Console.WriteLine("Do complex operations here");
    public interface ICommand
        void Execute();
    public class EasyCommand : ICommand
        IOperations opn;
        public EasyCommand(IOperations opn)
        public void Execute()
     public class ComplexCommand : ICommand
        IOperations opn;
        public ComplexCommand(IOperations opn)
        public void Execute()
    public class OperationsPerformer
        IDictionary<string, ICommand> commands = new Dictionary<string, ICommand>();
        public OperationsPerformer()
            commands.Add("easy", new EasyCommand(new EasyOperations()));
            commands.Add("complex",new ComplexCommand(new ComplexOperations()));
        public void perform(string key)
            if (commands[key] != null)
                ICommand command = commands[key];
    public class Client
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            OperationsPerformer performer = new OperationsPerformer();


    Do easy operations here Do complex operations here