Suppose we have a weighted undirected graph, and the number of edge |E| is about k times of node number |V|, i.e, |E| ~= k * |V|.
Now, one node, say v, is choosen, and we want to find the cycle containing v with the minimum average cost. (i.e., average cost means average edge weight along a cycle.)
Is there any efficient algorithms?
Sorry, I missed one point-the cycle do not need to contain all nodes in this Graph. This makes it different from Hamilton cycle problem.
This is equivalent to the Hamiltonian cycle problem, which is NP-complete. There is no worst-case-polynomial algorithm able to solve this unless P = NP.
We can reduce the hamiltonian cycle problem to this problem:
the average cost of an n-cycle is (n+2)/n
- a decreasing sequence for positive n
. For a v-vertex graph, there is a cycle of the average cost of (v+2)/v
iff the graph is a hamiltonian graph. Since the determination if a hamiltonian graph is NP-complete, this problem is NP-hard.
The decision problem associated with this problem ("Is there a simple cycle of an average edge cost of x passing through a vertex V") is in NP: if a path of that average length exists, then verifying that a cycle is a valid cycle with low enough average cost takes O(v)
time (using an adjancency matrix representation).
Thus, you cannot hope for a worst-case-polynomial-time algorithm. But, depending on the distribution of edge costs, the branch-and-bound algorithm or branch-and-bound with dynamic programming can be very efficient:
, terminate the loop. Else,c_best
, reject this path. Else,c_best_path
to this path and c_path
to its cost.q
+: if the graph is a multigraph, you need to to take two cheapest parallel edges rather than the same edge twice. This is probably best handled in a separate step.
Dynamic programming checks can be very cheap (just hash a vertex set with a vertex) but if there are very few expected saves (the algorithm is likely to end early), it can be left out - drop the "done" set and ignore any duplicates (different paths with the same signature) in the queue.
This algorithm works just as fine for any path cost metric as long as you can compute a lower bound. For the average-edge-cost problem, I can think of several heuristics:
In any case, if the path is a cycle, compute and return its exact cost.
One simple heuristic is to assume that you may be able to visit all remaining vertices with edges no cheaper than the cheapest path in the entire graph or 2-connected component. Then the respective expected cost is (cost + (v - edge_length) * c_min) / edge_length
. The upside is this is fast to compute. The downside is that if the graph is big and there are few edges nearly as cheap as the cheapest one, then this algorithm could expand a lot of paths to reach the "oasis" it thinks there is.
If there are few edges as cheap as the cheapest one, you can prepare a list of v
lowest costs among all edges in the graph. Then to estimate the cost of a graph, consider: The path completed with only the cheapest edge, the path completed with the cheapest two edges, the path completed with the cheapest three edges... while(exp_cost_decreases && length < v) exp_cost = (exp_total_cost += / ++length
. The upside is it makes better guesses. The downside is that it takes longer to compute if there are lot of edges that lower the estimate.
You always have to use either a common edge to the start vertex and the end vertex of the path (if one exists) or one of the edges adjanced to each vertex (min_cost_adjanced(V) + min_cost_adjanced(end)
). If a common edge is found, the handling of cycles should possibly be done here.
In case of the hamiltonian cycle reduction, both of the first two heuristics will perform equally poorly. The heuristics (1+3) and (2+3) will perform equally. The best-case scenario is linear in time. The worst-case scenario is O(v*k*2^v)
with dynamic programming or O(v*k*log(k)*k^v)
without (assuming a priority queue with O(log n)
push, pop-min and decrease-key)
Note that the best known algorithm to test whether a hamiltonian cycle exists in a general graph is O(1.657^v)
(according to wikipedia, as of Aug 2013)