I have a mouse move coordinate,
For example:
s = string.Format("{0:D4},{1:D4}", nx, ny);
the result s is "0337,0022"
the question is how to show only two digits in front only?
I would like to get:
s is "03,00"
Here is another example:
s = "0471,0306"
I want to be:
s = "04,03"
and when the coordinate is "-"
s = "-0471,0306"
I want to be:
s = "-04,03"
Just split the string on the comma and then sub-string the first two characters of each portion, like this:
string result = String.Empty;
string s = String.Format("{0:D4},{1:D4}", nx, ny);
string[] values = s.Split(',');
int counter = 0;
foreach (string val in values)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int digitsCount = 0;
// Loop through each character in string and only keep digits or minus sign
foreach (char theChar in val)
if (theChar == '-')
if (Char.IsDigit(theChar))
digitsCount += 1;
if (digitsCount == 2)
result += sb.ToString();
if (counter < values.Length - 1)
result += ",";
counter += 1;
Note: This will work for any amount of comma separated values you have in your s