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Prevent EXE being copied to another PC - keep some info inside EXE file (e.g. some flag)

I want to prevent executable being copied to another PC and thus i need to somehow save information inside my EXE file about that it was already used somewhere else on another PC.

Can i embed small piece of information like user's hard drive number into my EXE file so this information would be available when this EXE is copied to another PC?

I thought maybe there is a way to read and write to some resource file embedded in an EXE file but i presume that resource file is read only and if so is there is a place inside EXE file where i could keep information which i need?


  • Ok, I analyzed all the variants that were proposed and decided that in my case it will be better to develop my own copy-protection system, due to the reason that I am an indie developer and not going to work with extra large applications.

    Just in case, somebody faces to the same issue - here is the algorithm (well, one of them):

    1. User starts APP1.EXE
    2. APP1.EXE reads itself to some variable and adds HDD serial number to the end of it, e.g. HDD serial number - when you add something to the end it does not break EXE file and you do not have to worry about PE headers
    3. Unfortunately, EXE cannot save itself in runtime so it saves its copy called APP2.EXE with the information about HDD
    4. When APP2.EXE is saved APP1.EXE starts it as a separate process via Process.Start() and terminates itself
    5. Now APP2.EXE is running and has the same content as APP1.EXE + HDD serial number so we simply write all bytes from APP2.EXE back to APP1.EXE, close current process and start APP1.EXE again
    6. From now on APP1.EXE is running and have all needed information about current HDD so each time user starts APP1.EXE it compares HDD number at the end of its content with the actual one on user's PC, if they differ - terminate the process
    7. Delete APP2.EXE so that user would not realize how these files exchange information about his HDD.

    Useful info about self-deleting EXE can be found here :

    P. S. I know that it is like a huge hole of security (I will not mention all of them) but implementation of this algorithm took just 20 lines of code in C# and was moved to a separate DLL which I can use everywhere and it works. There is NO any registration in the algorithm above and user can simply take this app and use it and I am sure that ~ 80% of them will not realize how this app is protected from copying.

    Link to implementation :